What Happens if You Don’t Repair a Chipped Tooth?

May 30, 2024  |  by admin  |  Blog
What Happens if You Don’t Repair a Chipped Tooth?

So, what happens if you don’t repair a chipped tooth? A little chip on a tooth may not seem like a big deal, especially if it is a molar that no one can see. Smaller chips are usually not problematic unless they are sharp, then they could possibly cut your mouth. However, if your chipped tooth is significant enough, it could lead to more serious problems such as pain, hot/cold sensitivity, bad breath, swollen glands, and even infected roots.

  1. Sharp edges can cut your cheek, tongue, and gums
  2. Deep chips can impact the root of the tooth, leading to potential infections or tooth aches
  3. Deep chips can cause tooth decay resulting in sensitivity and bad breath
  4. Chips of all sizes can grow bigger and cause larger issues resulting in the need for root canals or extractions

When do you need to repair a Chipped tooth?

You should always visit the dentist when you chip a tooth. For minor chips, you typically won’t need a major repair. More often than not, your dentist in Hoover Alabama can just file the chipped tooth or fill it with a dermal bond so it looks normal again. However, more significant cracks can require more extensive dental work.

If a chip is significant enough, it can damage the pulp that is inside the tooth. The dental pulp is the center of your tooth, made up of living tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.

Damage to the pulp can be extremely painful and, if untreated, can become infected. If this happens, you could be in for more extensive dental work.

Call the staff at Sampson Dentistry in Hoover Alabama to have your crack tooth fixed.