Does Soda and Juice Affect Toddler’s Teeth

April 18, 2024  |  by admin  |  Blog
Does Soda and Juice Affect Toddler’s Teeth

Tooth decay is a dental health issue that affect children. One of the biggest culprits of tooth decay in young kids come from many of the drinks that we give them. Does soda and juice affect toddler’s teeth?

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises limiting sugar to only 10% of a toddler’s daily caloric intake. At three years old, daily caloric intake is roughly 1,100 calories. That equates to only 5.5 teaspoons of added sugar a day. Most sodas and juices contain nearly triple that amount in a single serving!

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Does Brushing Teeth After Drinking Soda Help Avoid Tooth Decay?

Brushing your toddler’s teeth after consuming soda or juice can help to rid the mouth of the acid causing bacteria. However, doctors recommend to wait at least 30 to 60 minutes after consuming sugary drinks. It is recommended to swish the mouth out with water. This can be done immediately after consuming a sugary drink.

How Does Sugar Decay Teeth?

Before you completely ditch all forms of sugar, it is important to understand how sugar affects tooth enamel. Sugar alone is not the issue. What does cause the damage is acid.

When bacteria in your toddler’s mouth use sugar as their food source to break down into energy, acids are released. This acid then begins to break down the enamel and remove important minerals from your toddler’s teeth. The end result… tooth decay, rot, cavities, toothaches, and tooth sensitivity.

How Can My Toddler Avoid Tooth Decay?

The obvious answer is to avoid sugary substances. However, the occasional sugary treat is okay. A fun way to get your toddler to drink more water is by adding fruit. Fruit infused water provides a delicious flavor without adding refined sugars and other harmful ingredients.

Good Dental Hygiene For Kids In Hoover Alabama

March 23, 2024  |  by admin  |  Blog
Tips to Help Your Kids Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Sampson Dentistry believe strongly in providing good dental hygiene for kids in Hoover Alabama. We believe strongly in providing good dental hygiene for kids in Hoover Alabama striving to be sure that kids in Hoover have healthy smiles.

Good Dental Hygiene For Kids In Hoover Alabama

We need help from parents and caregivers to continue the good habits our dentists recommend. Here are a few good dental hygiene tips for kids and easy ways you can help us help them:

Watch Those Drinks

While fruit juices and sports drinks can be a healthy alternative to soda and other artificial drinks, drinking too much can end up doing more harm than good in the long run.

The sugar in these drinks can quickly eat away the enamel on your child’s teeth, especially if he or she is consuming them all day long from a sippy cup or a refillable bottle. These drinks taste good and might be one of the only sources of sugar your kids have so weeding them out will not be easy, but it’s the best thing for their teeth in the long run.

Begin the balancing process by moving toward a 50/50 juice or sports drink to water ratio. The water will help wash out some of the sugar left over from the other drinks and help move your child’s palate away from sweet tastes. And, drinking more water is a great thing for all of us!

Lead by Example

When it comes to brushing and caring for your teeth, your children take more cues from you than you might think. This is one area where you really do need to practice what you preach.

Make brushing and flossing a family activity each morning and evening, or maybe only in the evening if your mornings are hectic. Either way, this will allow you to make sure that your child isn’t cutting corners and allow him or her to see that you are doing the same thing.

Brushing should last for at least two minutes and cover all surfaces of the teeth and tongue. Flossing should include every tooth every time, no matter how tempting it is to cut corners.

Remember that if your child is under age 2, then you should be brushing and flossing for them.

Again, this is an opportunity for you to establish a routine that your child will continue when it’s time for them to brush and floss on their own.

You can even make a game out of brushing and flossing each day. Create a chart to track progress and reward good behavior along the way. Eventually, the habits will become so routine that the rewards are no longer needed as an incentive.

Don’t Skip Dentist Visits

If you have anxiety about going to the dentist, you may be passing down those fears to your children without realizing it. Starting dental appointments as soon as the first teeth appear (around age 1) will help establish going to the dentist as a positive experience, rather than one that’s plagued with fear about cavities or other problems.

The more your child sees a dentist, the more we’ll be able to help reinforce the dental hygiene maintenance you are doing at home. We can catch problem areas before they become serious and create a plan for addressing them.

Establishing a partnership between parents and your local dentists ensures healthy teeth for kids. Visiting a dentist provides an opportunity to check in on that partnership.

Sampson Dentistry offers a wide range of pediatric dental services. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation for your child.

Do You Have A Chipped Tooth

March 10, 2024  |  by admin  |  Blog
chipped tooth-hoover alabama dental clinic

A chipped tooth is common with individuals. It’s actually quite easy to chip a tooth despite the fact that enamel is the hardest, most mineralized tissue of the body. It’s important to know about potential problems.  Do you have a chipped tooth.

Problems From a Chipped Tooth

What Happens if You Don’t Repair a Chipped Tooth?

A little chip on a tooth may not seem like a big deal, especially if it is a molar that no one can see. Smaller chips are usually not problematic unless they are sharp, then they could possibly cut your mouth. However, if your chip is significant enough, it could lead to more serious problems such as pain, hot/cold sensitivity, bad breath, swollen glands, and even infected roots.

  • Sharp edges from your broken tooth can cut your cheek, tongue, and gums
  • Deep chips can impact the root of the tooth, leading to potential infections or tooth aches
  • Deep chips can cause tooth decay resulting in sensitivity and bad breath
  • Chips of all sizes can grow bigger and cause larger issues resulting in the need for root canals or extractions

When do you need to repair a Chipped tooth?

You should always visit the dentist when you chip a tooth. For minor chips, you typically won’t need a major repair. More often than not, your Hoover Alabama dental clinic can just file the chipped tooth or fill it with a dermal bond so it looks normal again. However, more significant cracks can require more extensive dental work.

How Does Your Hoover Alabama Dentist Fix a Damaged Tooth?

For minor chips, the dentist may only need to smooth the rough edges or fill with a dermal filling that matches your tooth. Severe chips that do not damage the root or pulp may require a cap or crown to protect the tooth from future infections. In situations where the pulp or root is damaged, you may first need a root canal before a crown or cap is placed over the tooth.

How to Prevent a Chipped Tooth?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the first step in preventing a chipped tooth. Making sure you have no cavities or tooth decay can help keep your tooth enamel strong.

Your Hoover Alabama dentist can also help fit you for a mouthguard if you play sports. Athletes are prone to injury, especially in the face. Protective gear can help save teeth from sustaining injury.

If you have nervous habits like biting your nails or chewing on your pen cap, you may want to switch to something a little less prone to accidents, like squeezing a stress ball.

Finally, you should try to avoid hard candies and chewing ice. We understand a hard candy here and there is a nice treat. If you cannot resist the sweet tooth, avoid the temptation to bite and break the candy.

If you have a chipped tooth and need an evaluation of the damage, Sampson Dentistry will gladly evaluate your tooth and recommend treatment options.

Should I whitening My Teeth?

December 8, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
Should I whitening My Teeth?

Should I whitening My Teeth? For a lot of us, we wish that our smiles were a little whiter. However, should i risk my health for a brighter smile?

Teeth whitening has come a long way over the decades and is for the most part, is considered safe. However, there are still some important factors to consider as you decide whether to start teeth whitening treatment.

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Should I whitening My Teeth?

There are several factors of our modern lifestyles that actively work against our ability to maintain white teeth.

Here are a few of the common daily habits that can stain teeth:

  • Drinking coffee, tea, or other dark liquids that can leave stains
  • Smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products that contain tar
  • Not brushing your teeth often enough, or not brushing thoroughly enough when you do
  • Tooth trauma or injury

Regardless of why your teeth are stained, at some point you will likely wonder whether to look into teeth whitening treatment in order to brighten up your smile. So, the decision really rests on your personal preference and the how you feel about your smile. We can assure you that professional teeth whitening methods are safe should you choose to do it.

Treatment Options

Once you’ve decided to move forward with whitening treatment, the next step is to decide whether to visit the dentist’s office or try an at-home solution. The main difference between these options is the amount of bleaching agent used.

As you might imagine, professionally trained dentists are able to use higher concentrations of peroxide for whitening treatments versus what is available for at-home use. However, with the higher dose comes the expertise of a trained professional so you can rest easy knowing that the treatment is being administered properly.

If you decide to have your local dentist administer the whitening treatment, rest assure that your dentist has the knowledge and expertise to administered properly.  If you are looking for a local dentist close by in Hoover Alabama to perform your teeth whitening, give Sampson Dentistry a call.  We would love to earn your business and keep you as a dental patient.


What Causes Tooth Decay?

May 31, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
What Causes Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay can be caused by much more than just poor oral hygiene. So, what causes tooth decay? Tooth decay is often a symptom or warning sign of something much more dangerous, happening in the body.

When you visit your local dentist for an exam, like your Hoover Alabama dentist, they are looking at more than just the physical appearance of your teeth. We are trying to understand the entire picture, along with what your mouth and oral health is telling us.

Common Diseases That Cause Tooth Decay

The mouth is a window to the rest of the body and will often show warning signs that there’s something bigger going on. Here are some of the diseases that frequently cause tooth decay. If you suffer from any of these conditions, be sure to discuss with your dentist at your next appointment.


Diabetes has perhaps the most significant cause and effect relationship with tooth decay. Whether you have type I or type II diabetes, your body’s blood sugar is elevated because of lowered insulin levels. This impacts many parts of the body, and the mouth is a big part of that.

As the tooth decay continues to build up, the risk for gum disease also increases. Gum disease is caused as bacteria continues to build up in your mouth. In fact, about a quarter of all people diagnosed with diabetes also develop gum disease.

Autoimmune Conditions

Autoimmune conditions are a family of diseases that involve the body attacking parts of itself. This can include everything from major organ systems, like the kidneys, to smaller systems like salivary glands. Many of these diseases have some impact on the mouth, but the one most directly tied to oral health is Sjögren’s syndrome.

People with Sjögren’s may need to visit the dentist more frequently than twice per year to keep tabs on tooth decay that results from decreased saliva production. There are also over the counter lozenges, mouthwashes, and other products that can help increase saliva production and manage symptoms day-to-day.

Anorexia and Bulimia

Both anorexia and bulimia are severe eating disorders. They occur when men or women have an extreme fear of becoming overweight and either eat less or regurgitate food as a result.

Both conditions have implications on the teeth because the body is not getting the minerals, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients that it needs to maintain good oral health and prevent tooth decay from forming. When people with anorexia do eat, they tend to fill up on sugary, salty, unhealthy foods that are bad for your teeth.

Avoid Tooth Decay with Total Body Care

These are just a few of the more common diseases that cause tooth decay. The connections between your mouth and the rest of your body are not always apparent which is why it’s important to share your medical history with your dentist. We hope you visit Sampson Dentistry for a dental appointment soon!

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Why A Missed Dental Appointment Can Be Bad

April 28, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
Hoover Alabama Dental Clinic

There are times that we all have to reschedule a dental appointment. Why a missed local dental appointment can be bad. Even if it’s just one appointment missed, the health of your teeth and overall condition could in fact suffer.

So, why is it important to attend all your dental appointments?

Your cavities can be spotted quickly before they cause other oral problems.

Many people believe that the worse a cavity could do is cause a bit of oral pain and sensitivity. But cavities, if left untreated for even a few months too long, can cause a lot of harm.

Leaving a tooth to decay is not only painful, but it could also lead to infection and tooth loss. Cavities don’t just sit there; they get deeper, uglier, and more painful over time.

Potential oral cancers and other diseases can be diagnosed and treated ASAP.

While oral cancers and other diseases aren’t per say common in dental patients, they still have a very real possibility of developing.

With gum disease and oral cancers, these are important to detect as soon as possible as these are not curable, at least not in the late stages.

Your dentist can get rid of your plaque before it turns into hard-to-remove tartar.

This may not seem very important to some patients, however, keep in mind that plaque is a type of dangerous oral bacteria that can cause gum disease, cavities, and other health problems.

With that being said, imagine how damaging tartar is, which is a more permanent, hardened form of plaque. Looking at the short-term effects, tartar is visible in comparison to a microscopic plaque.

Your body will thank you in the short and long run.

The goal of having good oral standing isn’t always about having perfectly straight, white teeth and fresh breath. It’s also about keeping your oral bacteria levels down.

The less oral bacteria you have, the healthier the rest of your body will be and the less bad bacteria that will be present in the rest of your body. In general, bad bacteria can cause a distorted digestive system and gut flora and in turn cause other body-related problems and diseases.