Top 3 Reasons To Whiten Your Teeth

May 5, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
Top 3 Reasons To Whiten Your Teeth

Thousands of Birmingham Alabama residents get their teeth whitened every year. At Sampson Dentistry, here are the top 3 reasons to whiten your teeth. Teeth whitening from Sampson Dentistry can provide you with a gorgeous smile that’s up to 10 shades whiter.

Top 3 Reasons To Whiten Your Teeth

  1. Improved Appearance: One of the most significant reasons people choose to whiten their teeth is to improve their appearance. A brighter, whiter smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem, making you feel more attractive and self-assured.
  2. Enhance Professional Image: A bright, white smile can also enhance your professional image. If you work in a job that involves meeting people or speaking in public, having a confident and attractive smile can make a positive impact on your clients or colleagues.
  3. Better Oral Health: Teeth whitening can also help improve your oral health. Professional teeth whitening treatments remove surface stains and deep-seated discoloration, helping to protect your teeth from decay and other oral health issues. Additionally, many people find that after they have had their teeth whitened, they are more motivated to maintain good oral hygiene habits.

Whether or not to whiten your teeth is a personal decision, and it depends on your individual circumstances and goals. Ultimately, the decision to whiten your teeth is up to you.

If you’re not sure whether teeth whitening is right for you, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist. Sampson Dentistry can help you weigh the pros and cons and determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

Why A Missed Dental Appointment Can Be Bad

April 28, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
Hoover Alabama Dental Clinic

There are times that we all have to reschedule a dental appointment. Why a missed local dental appointment can be bad. Even if it’s just one appointment missed, the health of your teeth and overall condition could in fact suffer.

So, why is it important to attend all your dental appointments?

Your cavities can be spotted quickly before they cause other oral problems.

Many people believe that the worse a cavity could do is cause a bit of oral pain and sensitivity. But cavities, if left untreated for even a few months too long, can cause a lot of harm.

Leaving a tooth to decay is not only painful, but it could also lead to infection and tooth loss. Cavities don’t just sit there; they get deeper, uglier, and more painful over time.

Potential oral cancers and other diseases can be diagnosed and treated ASAP.

While oral cancers and other diseases aren’t per say common in dental patients, they still have a very real possibility of developing.

With gum disease and oral cancers, these are important to detect as soon as possible as these are not curable, at least not in the late stages.

Your dentist can get rid of your plaque before it turns into hard-to-remove tartar.

This may not seem very important to some patients, however, keep in mind that plaque is a type of dangerous oral bacteria that can cause gum disease, cavities, and other health problems.

With that being said, imagine how damaging tartar is, which is a more permanent, hardened form of plaque. Looking at the short-term effects, tartar is visible in comparison to a microscopic plaque.

Your body will thank you in the short and long run.

The goal of having good oral standing isn’t always about having perfectly straight, white teeth and fresh breath. It’s also about keeping your oral bacteria levels down.

The less oral bacteria you have, the healthier the rest of your body will be and the less bad bacteria that will be present in the rest of your body. In general, bad bacteria can cause a distorted digestive system and gut flora and in turn cause other body-related problems and diseases.

Does Cold Temperatures In Hoover Alabama Make My Teeth Hurt?

February 18, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog
Does Cold Temperatures Make My Teeth Hurt?

Does cold temperatures in Hoover Alabama make my teeth hurt?  Yes, cold temperatures can make your teeth hurt. In response to extreme heat and cold, your teeth expand and contract. Over time, this can lead to cracks in your teeth, exposing the vulnerable microscopic tubes beneath your enamel. This is the same tooth pain you feel because of cavities, gum disease, and other bad oral habits. Therefore, any problems with your enamel or gums, such as periodontal disease, could leave you vulnerable to cold temperature pain.

Weather sensitivity can occur regardless of how well you care for your teeth, but you’re at greater risk if you don’t practice good oral hygiene and live in an area that has extreme temperature swings.

To minimize sensitivity, you should learn about the common causes for sensitive teeth and what you should do when you notice pain because of the cold temperature.

Individuals often wear down their enamel or suffer from receding gums and tooth sensitivity because of one of the following reasons:

  • Periodontal disease: Diseases of the gums can expose the dentin and cause sensitivity. Gingivitis is one of the earliest stages of periodontal disease.
  • Brushing too hard: You may think that you need to bear down hard to remove surface stains, but brushing with too much force can start to wear down your enamel.
  • Grinding: Some individuals may clench or grind their teeth in their sleep. This can wear down tooth enamel and lead to sensitivity.
  • Tooth decay: Sensitivity to cold is an early sign of an undetected tooth decay problem. If you start to experience tooth pain, go see a dentist.
  • Tooth whitening applications: Have you started using a new tooth-whitening agent? The ingredients that make your teeth whiter may strip past surface stains and start wearing down your enamel. If the agent starts hurting your teeth, stop the treatment and consult with your dentist.
  • Acidic drinks: Sodas, coffee, tea, and other drinks with a high concentration of acid, such as juices, can erode your teeth and expose the dentin layer.
  • bad lifestyle habits: Other bad oral health habits, such as using tobacco products or not brushing or flossing properly, can cause your gums to recede. When this happens, the dentin at the base of the gums is exposed and can lead to temperature-sensitive teeth.

Possible Solutions for Sensitive Teeth

  • A fluoride application: Fluoride strengthens the enamel and thus prevents sensitivity because of exposed dentin.
  • Covering root surfaces: A dentist can apply a sealant to fix problems with receding gums.
  • Mouth guards: If you grind your teeth, a dentist can make a mouth guard to prevent you from damaging your teeth in your sleep.
  • Root canal procedure: This is recommended to fix issues with deep decay or a cracked or chipped tooth.