Dental Implants And Hoover AL Dentists

November 18, 2023  |  by admin  |  Blog

Most modern dental implants are made of titanium and look similar in size and shape to the natural root of a tooth.  Dental implants – Dental implants and Hoover AL dentists place an implant in the upper or lower jaw, they often take CT scans, or three-dimensional images of the jaw, to find existing bone and its depth along with locations of nerves and sinuses.

If a patient has broken or missing teeth due to congenital defects, or decay, a dental implant is beneficial.  Dental implants are used to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or the entire upper or lower jawline.

Details of the Procedure

When dentists place an implant in the upper or lower jaw, they often take CT scans, or three-dimensional images of the jaw, to find existing bone and its depth along with locations of nerves and sinuses. When placing the implant, modern technology allows for exact positioning. Safety during the surgical procedure, ensure that the implant is placed safely and correctly.

Healing Time

The healing time for a dental implant procedure is typically at least three weeks. Some patients’ implant procedures will take months to heal. This is less common and usually caused by an underlying medical condition or tobacco use. Total healing time also depends on the condition of the bone in your jaw.

Depending on the nature, it’s now possible to place an implant along with the abutment and crown in a single sitting. There are some constraints to this procedure, as the implant wouldn’t be able to withstand strong chewing force for several weeks or longer, but for many people, this is a ideal option.

Dental Implants And Hoover AL Dentists

Dental Implants – Birmingham Dentists

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants come with a number of benefits. A dental implant can protect the healthy bone within your jaw. Leaving spaces due to tooth loss or decay can lead to additional health concerns, such as additional bone loss, but a dental implant procedure can actually preserve and stimulate your bone to keep growing, preventing loss over time.

A dental implant will fuse with your bone and create a tooth that fits and feels like a natural tooth. With proper care, a dental implant can last for many years without failing or causing other issues. In fact, your implant could last for your entire lifetime. It may require some periodic adjustments but typically won’t need replacement.

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